People come into Curio, Craft & Conjure all the time, asking what they can do to increase their intuition.
Intuition is not just for “special people”. Intuition is among the God-given gifts we all have – that society tries to “teach us” out of by telling us we are supposed to be “like everyone else” or that “no one will like you if you are weird” (which equates to: “Be like everybody else”.)
Here’s the thing: We are each unique expressions of The Creator. We are not supposed to “blend”.
So – when people ask this million-dollar question, we have a $0.50 response: MEDITATE.
Meditation gives your “monkey mind” a break so you can listen. There is a popular belief that prayer is when we talk to God and meditating is when we listen.
Meditating is free. You can implement it without saving money, without your spouse’s approval and without any other drastic measures. Simply set aside 10 minutes a day (I prefer morning) for this simple “time away, within.” This one simple thing increases intuition, guaranteed!
To kick this off, create a meditation mindset. THIS leads to a habit you can keep, which supports heightened intuition.
Here are 10 Top Tips for Creating a Meditation Mindset:
1. Designate a space for meditation. Having an intentional space for quiet is essential for habit formation.
2. Surround yourself with cool shades of blue. Blue promotes tranquility and slows your heart rate, which can support a meditative state. TIP: You don’t have to (unless you want to) break out the paint. Simply decorate your space with blue pillows, curtains, art, crystals (like celestite or angelite) and colored LED lights.
3. Get comfortable. No need to sit in the “pretzel position”. Get that “cozy-feeling” with floor pillows, meditation cushions, soft blankets or no props at all. (Personally, I simply sit on the couch in my bedroom with a soft blanket around my shoulders.)
4. Burn herbs or incense that have calming properties (like Nag Champa, bay leaves or passionflower). I prefer to meditate with my eyes closed, but a scented candle can also offer a focal point for your eyes to rest on.
5. Keep your space clutter-free. Even if your eyes are closed while meditating, energies of “clutter-stuff” can be sensed.
6. Set a time for your mediations. Personally, I like to meditate before everyone (even my pets) wake-up – to avoid distractions or demands.
7. Have a journal handy. You don’t always have to write in it, but if an intuitive hit pops in, document it, so you don’t forget it.
8. Some people need moving meditations. If that sounds like you, kill two birds with one stone by walking, yoga or another exercise that can be done solo.
9. Set a timer. You may be surprised how easily 10 minutes can turn into 30!
10. Consider meditation as an act of self-love, not a chore. And love yourself daily!