This is 3rd and final email of the series on navigating, clearing and protecting yourself from negative energies. I appreciate all of the emails I have received in response to this, and all of you who decided to participate the Sacred Journey Mastery Program! (There are still 2 spots left, if you’ve been thinking about it!)
1. Engage with a protection prayer regularly (see my last week’s post)
Repeat the prayer in the morning an at night (or even in between). Another idea is to hand-write it and keep it in your wallet or the dashboard of your car. You can also write it in the back of a happy photograph of you (as a child or as an adult) that you keep by your bed. It’s not narcissistic, it’s self-love.
2. Use pine for protection
Cut off a small piece of pine needle branch (size of your hand will suffice) from a pine tree and put it in a vase or a glass of water. Once you’ve done the clearing by using the methods above, set the intention that the pine needles repel and intimidate these lower energies so they don’t come back. If you’re in a vulnerable stage in your life, keep it around for a while. Give thanks and love to the pine for letting you benefit from its protective energy. Replenish the water every other day as a way to care for and respect the pine for its service.
3. Watch your words & actions
It’s often tempting when upset with someone, we don’t pay attention to our thoughts, words or actions, and send out negative energy to others. And let’s face it, it feels good at the time. It also opens us up for lower energies to enter our field. Negative feelings or thoughts about someone (deserving or not) boomerang back. Give yourself permission to have your say, but don’t drag the event around with you.
4. Make figure eight movements for aura strengthening
Combine this with the shamanic drumming, if moved. Rotate around as you move both arms in a figure eight motion. Start from the ground and go up over your head, as you keep rotating and go back down towards the floor. Cover all four directions, and above your head, to strengthen your aura.
Have a great day!