I’m experiencing full blown menopause symptoms (READ: Hot flashes) catapulted by the series of unfortunate events last year. Unbeknownst to many – grief triggers menopause.
Welcome to my world. :o/
Menopause naturally leads women into themselves to embrace the change and hear the voice of our own needs and desires, as opposed to serving those around us selflessly. It is a time to be “Self-FULL”.
Many cultures support menopausal women’s (self-initiated) isolation period.
Our culture encourages us to go with the crowd. “Stay youthful”. Hormone replacement therapy – which many of my friends have reported works for them – is a common remedy…along with hair color, Botox, & face “fillers”.
I have no judgement around any of those things, But HRT doesn’t sit right with me.
My “hot flash research” is leading me to interesting energy facts:
- A “hot flash” is a release of kundalini energy, which rewires the nervous system.
- Hot flashes releases toxins in the biological transmutation process which are pushed out through the pores of the skin, particularly at night. (Night sweats).
- These “flashes” allow for the burning off of karma, contracts, and soul agreements that must be released in order to ascend.
- HRT increases the duration of menopause symptoms by up to 3 YEARS, because it minimizes the release of the toxins.
- During menopause, women resume a fluid state of intuition due to the elevated LH and FSH hormones which are produced by the brain (which is now produced up to 1300% more than in childbearing years.)
This stage of life supports our capacity to transfer more powerful healing, teaching and peace keeping energies into our communities, while having more access to our intuitive gifts.
These days, younger women (and men!) are experiencing hot flashes…in fact, my Sun gets them too (but I think they are sympathy-flashes!)
This stage of life should be celebrated and honored.
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