When Opportunity Knocks, What do YOU do?
Ok – I have to tell you this story…this is one of those situations where I saw myself (..does that ever happen to you?)
Please read this in its entirety. You will have one simple “To Do” step that will help you when opportunity knocks.
I recently interviewed a potential Private Mentor student who was nothing short of AMAZING.
Tapping in, I noted an opportunity for her to do “more” – (and she confirmed it – expressing her desire to “have a vibrant practice, while needing more guidance, support and experience that allowed her to truly trust herself).
After reviewing her objectives and just how “doable” they are, I went through the programs I thought she would gain the most from.
And like many Spiritual people, she wanted to “check-in” for guidance. (This is why I reward decision with price breaks. Our enthusiasm is often our guide. Not everyone operates like that. We should honor our Guidance.)
Oddly, within a day of our conversation, while sitting on the toilet (some of my best “Hits” happen there..(TMI, I know…sorry!) – I was directed to offer her a Special Value.
Why was that odd?
Well, my Guidance has been very specific over the years about people putting their “skin in the game”. Investing in themselves, demonstrating commitment and in short “taking action”.
This is actually part of our progress. Through it we are putting faith in ourselves.
And, because our culture has a huge focus on $$$$, this is where (for most of us) – the “action” happens. (In fact, the exact words of my Guidance were “when they don’t pay, they don’t Pay Attention.”
Energetically – it is all about saying “I trust me. I trust in my Divinity. Paying for the support I need, is my first step.”
This action automatically shifts your field’s vibration and (synchronistically), the people, events, and situations in alignment with your goals move into your path.
It’s pretty magical, really.
This is something I have learned throughout my life.
Over and Over again..(why else would I be chosen to teach it??)
So – when she reached out to tell me her Guidance suggested the need to reserve her finances, I offered her the Special Value my Guidance suggested.
See, this was a situation where action needed to be taken on both of our parts.
Isn’t it interesting that we often ask the “Universe” for a sign, and when we get it, we want another one?? (Maybe I should give a class on Universal Signs for the Action Impaired…<3)