Ok – So since I told you about my client Mary (the one who thought she could not squeeze my programs into her budget) – I have had amazing things happen! (Yes – in addition to her signing up..)
What happened? Well, I started cleaning out my house.
This may seem unrelated – but stay with me.
If you read these newsletters, you know I am selling my house. So, I started getting rid of stuff – starting with books.(..took them over to 2nd & Charles – made about $150..!)
I also, threw out a lot! (and have a lot more “stuff” to move through)…
(Seemingly) All of the sudden, my phone was ringing off the hook, new clients, new students for Super Size Your Soul (see attachment below) – and unexpected money started flowing in!
How is this even remotely related?
Everything is Energy.
And I had a bunch of stale energy in all of the stuff I was getting rid of. Once removed, it made way for “NEW”.
A large portion of Super Size Your Soul is about understanding how energy works. Specifically, YOUR energy.
Want some good mojo? I invite you to take this challenge. I am calling it The 3 Step Trash Challenge.
Are you in?
Step 1. Find your trash.
Step 2. Get rid of it.
Step 3. Watch what shifts for YOU.