My Sun and I went to a school interview where the School Director looked him in the eye and asked him a very profound question: Do you know how you learn?
The funny thing is that when he told her he did, and revealed his learning style, she marveled at the fact that he knew because most kids his age have no idea how they learn.
When people think about Nero Linguistic Programming they think of learning styles (or sales tactics).
Wanna know what I think of?
Intuitive Style.
And guess what? If you ask most people what type of psychic they are, they don’t know THAT either.
It’s true: If you know your learning style, you know your Intuitive Style.
So when my Sun revealed that he learns by hearing, I also immediately knew that the dead can speak to him.
Do you know how you learn?
Here’s a quick reference (you can take a more thorough test here.)
Visual: Visual people talk fast, speak with their hands and tend to be Clairvoyant – seeing the past, present or future in movies or images.
Auditory: Auditory people usually talk slower (sometimes too slow!) and tend to be Clairaudient, hearing the dead.
Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic people learn by doing, having a physical relationship with what they are learning and tend to be more Clairsentient and *Sympaths. They feel the energy of others as if it were their own.
*Sympaths are easily effected by the energy of others. True Empaths know they are influenced by other’s energy, and trained to NOT take it on.
So here’s the thing:
Most of have at least 2 core styles that we “catch” slow and fast moving (or psychic) information.
So – when you know your Intuitive Style, you know the way you are Psychic.
News Flash: There is also a difference between being Psychic and Intuitive.
Psychics pick up information spontaneously, (like thinking about someone and then they bump into them or they call.)
Intuitives are trained to be able to tap in at will, feeling, hearing or peering into the unknown to know the unknowable.
In short, training can take you from Sympath to Empath and from Psychic to Intuitive.
How would you like to on a journey of Self-Discovery and Self-Empowerment. How would you like to discover your gifts?
Available now, is an easy, at your pace opportunity to boost your skills in my Oracle Academy.
And if tarot is your thing, dip your toe into tarot waters on the DailyOM.
Knowing your gifts is your power and your birthright.