Candles, like clay, are the embodiment of potential. Working with plain candles is fine, but, the more that is done to set your intention, the more likely you are to experience success. When a candle is dressed, anointed, carved, and burned with intention, it can support and influence change. This is what magick is all about.
Before working with a candle, pick the right candle color and size for your work. For a “quick fix” choose a small (chime) candle can be used – they do not take long to burn and can also burn discreetly. The 7 or 14 day candles at Curio can be used for spells that need to be repeated over the course of many days for their full effect.
Picking the right color can be a bit more complicated, because it involves exploring your motivation for your spell. You may think you want to perform a spell to bring in money, when what you really want is a new car. Money is not the only road to obtaining your desire, so choosing to perform a money spell may be limiting. Examine the roots of your true desires and choose a suitable candle color. (Curio’s Candle Conjure Guide is free with a C4 purchase or can be purchased alone for $3).
Carving the Candle
Carving a candle involves inscribing symbols relevant to your intention with an iron nail or pointed carving tool. It is one of the most important aspects of creating a spell candle. Start by carving something that binds the candle, and therefore binds the spell, to its target. If you are performing a candle spell to bring love to you, that might be your name and astrological sign. If you are performing a spell to heal someone else, carve their name instead. Other symbols, like a cross, pentagram, or planetary glyph can also be carved into your candle.
After that, begin to free-associate symbols with your intent. When you think of what you want your spell to accomplish, what words or pictures come to mind first? A heart may symbolize love, for example, while a caduceus may symbolize healing, but you may have other symbols that are more relevant and powerful to you. Tips: When you carve your symbols, make sure your lines are deep. Hold your intention in your mind as you carve, focusing on achieving your goal from the moment the tool touches the wax.
Anointing and Embellishing the Symbols
Once the candle is carved, anoint it with the appropriate oil and embellish the symbols with herbs, glitter or both! Rub the surface of the candle with a spell oil of your choice. Try Adam & Eve oil for love-drawing candle or Court Case for legal issues. Use plenty of oil, and be sure to rub it thoroughly into all of the nooks and crannies created by your carving.
After this, pour appropriately-colored glitter over the surface of the candle and rub it in. Be sure to get the glitter into the carved portions to help them stand out. Some folks like to wipe the flat, uncarved portions of the candle clean of glitter, but I often leave it. The oil helps the glitter stick to the candle, creating a beautiful, powerful ritual tool that is ideally suited to your needs. Next, fume the candle’s jar with incense, add a drop of honey to the bottom as an offering, (or wash it with salt water or spiritual water) before placing the candle inside.
Carving, anointing, and embellishing a spell candle allows you to add more power to your spell with every step. Each part involves deep meditation on your goals and choosing the materials that are most closely aligned with what you want. Properly creating a spell candle can feel like a daunting, labor-intensive task. You can purchase the supplies to create your candle or order a custom carved candle from us, secure in the knowledge that the best colors, herbs, oils, and intentions are worked into it for you.