My daughter and I caught a breather at Curio, Craft & Conjure the other day. Somehow we ended up on the topic of how frequently people are moved by eye-catching fads that contradict important facts.
The image here shows a beautiful sage bundle wrapped in rose petals.
Although this is appealing to the eye, it contradicts the purpose of the using sage and rose together.
Sage is an “energy astringent”. Native Americans used sage before going into battle, to eliminate compassion.
After burning sage, sweet-grass, rose, or other herbs are burned to bring in the energy to fill the energetic void you created.
The science behind sage is that the smoke attaches to the positive ions (what we call “negative energy”) – but the reality is that sage even eliminates “positive energy”– like compassion.
So, by burning a bundle like the one in the image, with rose & sage together, you are literally informing the sage to remove the energy that comes with rose – “love” or “higher vibrations”.
It is similar with the beautiful glow of a salt lamp.
Plugging a salt lamp in defeats the purpose of having one. Salt lamps are intended to remove negative energy, but electricity IS negative energy. (If you get one from us, you must ask for the electrical cord that goes with it because we don’t display them.)
The next time the beauty of something “spiritual” catches your eye, be sure you are not letting your eyes make choices that your energy will regret.
Halloween: Be sure to catch Curio Craft & Conjure on Fox 5 on Halloween day! My daughter Gianna & I will share a few of our favorite things in the store.
November is Crystal Month at Curio, Craft & Conjure!
Join us for our 3-Part Crystal Gridding series ($15 per class OR $30 for all 3!)
November 3rd: 12:00 Basic Crystal Gridding – Back by popular demand & EXPANDED! Our original class had amazing results for participants. We’ve been overwhelmed with requests to repeat (& EXPAND) it! In this class we will dive into the foundational practice of results-oriented crystal gridding basics.
Friday November 9th: Author & medium Karyn Crisis comes in for a book signing! Her book Italy’s Witches & Medicine Women is one of our best-selling books (& one of my favorites!). Insider’s Tip: Karyn is sharing her secret recipe for making incense balls to eliminate the evil eye in her workshop! Join us from 5:00-8:30pm. (This cost of this workshop is only $25)
November 10th: Intermediate Crystal Gridding – 12:00 In this class we take our skills up a notch, to explore the various ways to influence the outcomes you desire.
November 17th: Advanced Crystal Gridding: In this class we learn the very first thing that should be done before doing this (or any) magickal work.-
Come hang out at with us in NoDa, at Curio, Craft & Conjure!