Glamour Magick is one of the least understood types of magick.
Most folks, when looking for love, may get on Match while burning red candles, but the subtlety of Glamour Magick is completely over-looked.
Unfortunately, women have been trained to allow themselves to be at the mercy of marketing – which basically uses “Fixer-Upper Spells”. Magazines, television and the beauty industry has convinced us that we are not perfect, but if we use their product or services, we could save ourselves from “ugly”.
So, we buy perfumes, make-up, skincare, Spanx, and ridiculous outfits (that fashion gurus say are “in” – even if it is not flattering at all.)
Am I saying we should stop buying all these things?
No – not all of them (the trendy stuff, we know in our hearts look ridiculous? Yes.)
The key is how we use them, or better yet, our intention when using them. This especially goes for fragrance, skincare, & makeup.
If you currently use any of these items, this newsletter is for you!
I often read clients looking for love. Many are looking for love from a broken place. When you are looking to quickly replace a prior love, or if you are looking for love believing you are not worthy, you are at risk of either dragging baggage from the previous relationship into your new one, or (even worse) settling for an ass who mirrors your unworthy-ness.
For example, if, when you accidentally drop something, you call yourself stupid, you will attract some who will be happy to call you stupid.
If, when you look in the mirror, your inner critic calls you fat, you will find someone who will be happy to call you fat.
On the other hand, if, when you apply your body lotion, you thank every inch of your body, complimenting your “assets” – you’ll attract someone who will do the same.
You certainly will not settle for some jack-asshole who doesn’t see your true beauty.
So if YOU are looking for love, start treating yourself the way you want to be treated. Here is a shortlist of examples:
- Be kind in your “self-talk”.
- Take yourself on a “date”.
- Buy something thoughtful for yourself that you would appreciate if your partner gifted it to you.
Another simple ritual is to apply your makeup and skincare intentionally:
Applying mascara? Chant “I see him/her” so you are sure to spot the person of your dreams.
Applying fragrance? Anoint with the intention to attract your perfect partner.
Putting moisturizer on your face? Intend that you are vibrant, radiant and healthy down to the cellular level.
Again, the key here is the intention, and we want to be sure you are applying makeup, fragrance, and skincare NOT because you are correcting a flaw, but because you are joyfully preparing for what’s to come.
You are loved,