The Emperor – 4: The Emperor is your Card of The Year when your birth month and day plus the current year add up to 4. This is a year of moving and shakin’! Relocation, remodel, or travel is all highlighted this year for you. You may pursue new interests and ideas. Resolve any issues you have with your father, paternal, or authority figures. You may have important negotiations and compromises this year. You can move in new positions and exert your own power, too. Your opportunity is to demonstrate accountability and responsibility this year. This is your power. Build a new foundation for yourself. Break patterns that no longer serve you.
Your next birthday will move you into a Hierophant Year- 5: Remember that Sister Sledge song called We are family? Guess what? Family is the main focus this year. For you, this year, you will want to resolve family issues or determine if you even want a family or not. This is a great year for breaking familial patterns. You may find yourself going back to school or teaching, training, or counseling. This is a great year to make your life more stable, solid, and secure through your own productivity. Face old fears, resolve old disappointments, and release anxiety patterns, and remember that you are not who your family said you were. You are better.