The Tower – 16: The Tower is your Card of The Year when your birth month and day plus the current year add up to 16. This is your year to recognize your talent for restoring, healing, and renovating everything from cars to people to ideas. You easily see what is not working and know how to fix it. You have the ability to restore authentic balance, beauty, and harmony. You will seemingly create chaos, but it is to restore order. You may have a mystical experience and wake up to the true you. Because of this, you may even renovate yourself – through diet, exercise, and meditation. This will include releasing things, people, and situations no longer in alignment with this new way of being. You will no longer support the experience where your life is externally full and internally void. This year you will master inner and outer fulfillment.

Your next birthday will move you into a Star Year – 17. (Do not reduce this to 8). This is the year YOU are a star! You may be recognized for contributions or accomplishments. Your self-esteem will be boosted, and you will have more confidence in yourself. You will not feel the need to inflate or deflate yourself for others. Your own opinion of YOU will be the only one that matters. Wish upon a star this year…wish upon YOU.