In our Instagram posts, we have been focusing on the theme of “clearing” this month (follow us for daily inspiration @curiocraftconjure) – which brings me to a ritual you can perform to help yourself or others when sick.
Sickroom Clearing is a practice you can do for yourself or anyone you share space with. It allows you to lift the spirits of the ill, clear the space they are in, and banish bugs so that other people in the space stay healthy. When my daughter, daughter-in-law and son still lived with me, Gianna did this ritual for me and it supported me while keeping everyone else in the house from getting my cooties.
What you’ll need:
- Smudge stick
- White altar cloth
- Shell
- Feather
- Candle
- Oil diffuser
- Orange essential oil
- Lemongrass essential oil
- Quartz Crystal
- Flowers
- Start by honoring your tools
- Smudge yourself with sage or palo santo. Use your feather to waft the smoke over you.
- Set up an altar in the sick room. Cover it with a clean white cloth and place your diffuser, crystal, flowers, and candle on top. *Be sure your candle is in a bowl of water for fire safety.
- Light the candle. Add 2 drops each of both the orange and lemongrass essential oils to the diffuser. As you do so, call upon your healing spirits (great Buffalo spirit, Archangel Raphael, your deceased Grandmother or anyone you perceive as support for physical healing.)
- Hold your crystal and ask for the healing power of the earth and the sky to come into the crystal and to hold healing energy in the room. Blow into the crystal while you Feel/Sense/Imagine the energy going into the crystal and radiating throughout your body, into your hands and crystal.
- Ask the sick person to relax, give them the crystal, and take six calm, deep breaths while imagining themselves opening up to receiving healing energy throughout their energy field and in their physical body.
- Thank your healing guides for their help and continued support and protection for the sick person and their space. Leave the crystal on the altar.
Print this ritual and save it for when you need it!
Enjoy your week <3