Have you ever had a reading when a psychic told you something that was totally off?
It may just be that your reader was just not trained.
I was working with one of my private clients on Tuesday, and we were blessed to experience a common mistake many psychics make, generally due to lack of training.
In her first assignment, my client, (I’ll call her “Jane”), who lives several states away, gave me a “balls-on” accurate reading. I was truly impressed. (I even sent her pictures so she could see how accurate she was!)
After her lesson, I gave her a homework assignment to read “Nancy” – someone she does not know. She e-mailed me the information she received intuitively, and I noticed she was getting accurate insight, but she didn’t realize much of the information was in metaphor.
“Jane” saw Nancy as a black woman wearing red, walking with a purpose so dynamic it made her hair bounce. She intuited that Nancy was interested in politics and in the rights of all women.
This may not seem like a lot of information to you, but for me, this was FULL of insight.
Unfortunately, I know that a paying client would have said “Yeah, NO, Nancy is not black” – and stopped listening.
See – many psychics and their clients expect intuitive insight to be “exact”. Sometimes it is, and often, our intuition uses metaphor. Sometimes the metaphors are silly images or movies. Our job is to discern what the silly images or movies mean.
Because Jane is getting the support and guidance to peer past the obvious, we dissected her reading to discover amazing insight:
• “Jane” saw a black woman. Nancy is a woman of color (get it?) Jane’s brain may have assumed Nancy was black because I am.
• Nancy “wearing a red suit” is loaded with insight. Red is a first chakra color, which speaks to Nancy being close to her family – which is true.
• Nancy walking briskly speaks to the fact that Nancy is busy. Nancy has 2 jobs and a full life.
• The “bouncy hair” could reflect her thoughts, ideas and beliefs being “shaken-up”. Also true, as she embarks on a new career.
• Nancy is not only interested in politics, but as a gay woman, she is interested in the rights of women.
These are just a few examples. This skill only gets better with experience. So, while I am training “Jane” to use her intuition, I am also teaching her how to shift her communication style to a broader one.
Best Practice for a Great Reading: Speaking in broad terms allows your clients to fill in the blanks. The information will still feel specific to them, even if it feels broad to you.
When it comes to the gift of Clairvoyance, there are 5 types of visions:
- Full sight – For seeing a situation with utmost clarity. For instance, you might be reviewing a point of time in history just as it actually happened.
- Half sight – Implies that you are receiving half of the potential full image. A half-sight image might be a blurry image or difficult to interpret. It might disappear before you can fully understand it. Half-sight imaging is kinda like watching half of a really good movie and falling asleep – missing the end!
- Hindsight -Involves seeing into the past, typically from a vantage point that provides more information than was available at the time of the event. (Like seeing why your parents split up when you were a child. You may have been too young to appreciate the full spectrum of the event)
- Current sight – Used to receive pictorial illustrations of concurrent or possible available choices.
- Foresight – What I call “futuring” a way of seeing the range of future possibilities. Often the image of “most likely possibility” comes in the strongest and invokes an emotional reaction.
My next LIVE Magick & Mastery class at Curio, Craft & Conjure on next Saturday (from 12 -3:30) explores visioning and dissecting the vision to communicate clearly.
If you are not local, my new course The Visionary is my latest offering – an online opportunity to explore and expand your gifts of Visioning in its many forms. In it, you’ll receive 6 written lessons, with video tutorials AND experience a monthly Q&A call with me. I’ll answer any questions you have around the material itself.
Learn more about that here. Are you ready to be a Visionary?