An interview with Gina Spriggs…

You call yourself an Intuitive Development Mentor. Can Intuition really be developed?
Intuition is a “muscle” that should be exercised, just like any other muscle.
Really?? That sounds so simple…have you ever had a student who just was not intuitive?
Actually……yes and no. You see, I make a distinction between being intuitive and being psychic. I think we are all psychic – but psychic information comes to us spontaneously. I take my students from being “spontaneous psychics” toward “mindful intuitives”. The difference is that they access their intuition at will.
I have to admit that the reason my students get the amazing results they do is that I teach toward their personal intuitive gift. The first thing I do is give my students a “test” to determine their Intuitive style.
I’ve read that you are Ordained. Are you called Reverend Spriggs?
Yes – I was ordained through an interdenominational healing faith ministry. And, no, I do not call myself Rev. Spriggs – everyone calls me “Gina”! My work is my ministry. Helping people become empowered is what I do best and my life purpose.
Were you always Intuitive?
Yes…I have been psychic my whole life, but kept it on the “down-low”! It wasn’t until my divorce in 2007 (which coincided with relocation to NC) that I reclaimed parts of myself that I had shut down for years in order to “fit in.”
How did you become an expert?
I have been studying tarot and doing Intuitive Tarot readings for over 38 years. I was fortunate enough to have a mentor in Florida. After I started doing readings professionally, the flood gates opened up and I realized that my intuitive style featured all of “The Clairs” (Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance… and a few gifts I’d never even heard of.) My clients are from all around the globe and my readings are known for their accuracy.
Even though I was naturally psychic, I was drawn to books and workshops geared toward further developing my gifts. Then, I decided to hone my skills by studying with a variety of Masters: Marcus Katz, a Tarot Scholar and author based out of the UK; Debra Lynne Katz, world-renowned Clairvoyant, and author; Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz, Medical Intuitive, physician, and author; and Cyndi Dale Holistic Intuitive and author. I continue to learn, always exploring. I bring what I learn to those I work with.

My personal experiences over the years combined with studying with Masters makes me a Master Mentor!
Is there a certain personality you work best with?
I love working with those courageous enough to “color outside the lines”. Usually, perfectly timed synchronicity, often combined with a sudden life change, draws people to me. It seems that it is at these times when they are divinely scheduled to spiritually shift and are ready to commit to owning their power.
I have seen your testimonials! What makes you so popular?
There are three main points of difference with my teaching process:
- Experience is the best teacher. My programs are experiential.
- Each program allows a participant’s natural strengths to be honed, while they get to select other gifts they would like to increase their level of proficiency. By teaching towards a client’s “natural” gifts, they experience quick results. This boosts their confidence and gives them permission to try new things. (In fact, many of my students go on to be Professional Intuitives or Healers.)
- I truly LOVE what I do and want participants to enjoy their experience and the Community that comes with the process.
How does someone work with you?
Many people choose to start slow, with either the Lumin8 Healing Oracle (my newest “baby” – which is an intuitive development tool, divination tool, healing tool, and space clearer). The Lumin8 “Kit-n-Kaboodle” comes with the Oracle, Manual, & On-Line course which goes deep into the usage of the oracle.

Some choose to start with the Effortless Intuition Program, an “at-your-pace” on-line intuitive development program.
Yet numerous people choose The Sacred Journey Mastery Program starting with a deeper level of commitment.
My private one-on-one mentor programs and Sacred Journey Mastery Program include a preliminary conversation and a brief questionnaire. By answering 7 Simple Questions prior to our call, you get to think about your goals. On the call, we determine if I am the best guide for your process. (If I am not, I am quick to refer a colleague I trust.)