No one has to “wake up” in order to be a “co-creator” in her/his life. We are all co-creating weather we’re “woke” or not!
Awakening, however makes consciously creating more consistent.
Living under the influence of past trauma, negative self-talk, addiction, suffering or feeling trapped in unfulfilling relationships (including jobs) and generally feeling purposeless, powerless and penniless – are common themes of “collective-disempowerment”.
We’re all born into an unconscious web of social programming, designed to keep us disconnected, disenfranchised and disempowered. “Weapons of mass distraction” and “programs” support this state, until we wake up.
We all may have chosen to be here for this human experience, (including all of the above….) awake or not. however, “staying asleep” reduces our ability to tap into our unlimited potential – where WE are in charge of our destinies.
How to Access the Power of Co-Creation: 3 Simple Steps
1. To “awaken” we must peel away the many layers of powerlessness we’ve collected and reclaim our power. Everything in life is a projection of our own consciousness and the vibration of our dominant beliefs.
So the question is – how can we consciously change them?
Other Questions to consider:
· Are YOU responsible for your past traumas?
· Am I responsible for my parents, partner’s and “soul-mate’s” death?
· Am I responsible for creating breast-cancer, round 2?
Our responsibility is our perspective and response to our unfortunate events.
2. The moment you become aware that you can easily transform your outer reality by utilizing the tools you are born with (your beliefs, thoughts, perspective, attention and intention) and shift the frequency of your inner world, (which projects onto your outer world) – you begin stepping into your True Power of co-creation with Source Energy – combining both your human and divine aspects.
You can live as an authentic, free, and conscious being. From THIS space, you create heaven on earth.
3. Exercise your power of choice (Free-will) in every thought, every perception, and every experience.
Freedom can greet you each morning when you know that nothing is outside of your reach because nothing is outside of you.
You are eternally supported by Source Energy. There is no separation between you and divinity.
You are It.
This ultimately means, with any experience, (sunrise or sunset, good or “bad” – moving through challenging times period or reflecting on the blessings in them) – YOU have the power to choose your experience.
You decide how you experience everything – and can embrace the knowing that every moment of this journey is the destination.
We are here to embrace every experience life has to offer. You are the writer, director and leading lady (or man) in this exciting live-stream of consciousness.
If you are unsatisfied with your life because you know that there is “more”, and you are ready to choose to exercise your free will and embody your magnificent gifts, I invite you to join me and 13 other beautiful souls as we embark on a 6 month Sacred Journey.
Together, we will embrace our power to give our lives more meaning and purpose.
What purpose are you choosing to give to your life?
We start TODAY at 6:30.
Are you IN?