To me, a “witch” is a healer, teacher, seeker, giver and protector of all living things.
To me, that means anything that causes separation is a big hell no.
At Curio, Craft & Conjure, our motto is “Unity, Love, Life & Magick” – these are our “pursuits”.
I was never into politics.
Fortunately, our current administration has shown me my “blind spots”: Those in my life who were not necessarily “like minded.”
I am not saying you have to be a Democrat or Republican to be like minded. I am talking about giving a shit about the lives of others.
An old “friend” and current facebook “friend” recently posted something about a black guy who shot and killed 2 white people over a fender bender. (Evidently, the couple ran into him and he was so mad he killed them.) She went on a rant about how:
“For some reason, it just feels like, unless you are a black male and shot by the cops, your life DON’T matter anymore. I just don’t understand it.”
My response: “Of course you dont. You can’t.
There is not a history of cops killing your fathers, brothers & husbands for nothing and getting away with it.
And yes – this is tragic, but this guy will get what is due to him, unlike the thousands of cops who are supported by the system.
Black cops too, by the way.”
As you can imagine, this conversation went straight to hell.
She retorted with this:
“…lady, you go hate the cops on your own page. Not on mine. Sick and fucking tired of this shit. Nobody even cares about the black children getting shot every weekend in Chicago. This country was fine until George Floyd and then all the riots and looting.
There’s not a history of cops going out and shooting black males. That’s a fucking lie. More of the other way around. Listen to the cops and stop this bullshit.”
So here’s the thing: If you know me at all, you know I am not a cop hater or a hater of anything. What is intolerable is injustice and inequality. And, oh yeah – ignorance.
The current administration has helped – not just me, but many of us, see what we were blind to: Posers.
These “posers” smile, nod, and pretend to care, when it appears their “reverse superiority complex”, has revealed itself.
The masks are torn off for the world to see.
In this email – I thank these people for their ignorant honesty.
But more importantly, I also thank those of all races, who step up and stand up in the face of injustice. I thank those who lock arms with those who have not had the same privileges. Who recognize injustice when they see it and DO SOMETHING – however small.
Unity is the most powerful thing there is.
As powerful, sovereign beings, we must heal (ourselves and others), teach/learn; seek truth, (even if it rocks our reality); give generously and protect those who are weaker, less fortunate, and less knowledgeable.
In the spirit of generosity and empowerment, I am extending Tuition Assistance for The Oracle Academy for 2 more weeks than planned.
The Oracle Academy currently holds 9 powerful classes that help you get in touch with your own power. The illusion of belonging to a political party that is corrupt – whichever side it may be, is fading.
I could care less if you are registered one way or the other – my question is simple: Do you care about humanity?
This is your invitation to wake up to yourself, and your power.
Be a Witch.