The Lovers – 6: The Lovers is your Card of The Year when your birth month and day plus the current year add up to 6. This year, you will reassess all relationships (Yes – ALL…friends, family, colleagues – any relationships you are emotionally involved with.) Ask yourself this: Is your support system working for you? You will not be willing to spend time, energy, or effort in relationships that are not equal and special. This is the perfect year for you to go deeper and wider with some relationships – and distance yourself altogether from others that no longer serving you. This year, you may consider marriage or divorce, or moving in or out. This year you will be weighing a lot – two options, two situations, two people, two directions (you get the picture). You may even discover that the answer is not “either” / “or,” it’s “both.” This year, it is all about creating a greater “whole” in your life, both personally and professionally.

Your next birthday will move you into a The Chariot – 7 Year: Hold on to your hat! This is the best year to move, relocate, travel, and/or make career changes. The keyword here – is “ChChChchanges” (ok – you don’t have to stutter!) There may also be “changes” associated with family and home-like remodeling or redecorating or having other people move in or out. Career changes and/or promotions can also be expected this year. In hindsight, the changes taking place this year further personal and professional growth and development and are positive and expansive – taking you to a whole new level of “YOUness.” With all of this going on….be sure to take care of YOU.