The Moon – 18: The Moon is your Card of The Year when your birth month and day plus the current year add up to 18. (Do not reduce this to 9). Congratulations! This is your right of passage year! This is the year you start to open and reclaim your authenticity to an even greater degree. Illusions, delusions, and self-deception will not be tolerated. This is the year that your choices reflect who you really are – not “the mask” of who you’ve been. This is the year you no longer abandon you for “love” or acceptance. This year, you become YOU, only better.

Your next birthday will move you into a The Sun Year – 19. (Do not reduce this to 10). This is a great year to enter the types of inspirational, innovative, and creative partnerships. It is important NOT to be aligned with anyone who depletes or drains you – in any area of your life. This year you will easily magnetize the people, projects, situations, and opportunities that support your spirit. You have nineteen weeks (or nineteen months) to generate new projects, relationships, and collaborative efforts, or remove yourself from projects, relationships, and collaborations that deplete you. Do the right thing!