The Wheel – 10: The Wheel is your Card of The Year when your birth month and day plus the current year add up to 10. This is a great year to be open to unexpected opportunities and great “Luck.” Unexpected windfalls are not uncommon. This year your life can take a turn to more positive and very fortunate directions. You should be open to growing and expanding in new and exciting ways. Be open to abundance this year. Be proactive. The only thing that could stand in your way is YOU (old thought patterns, worn-out ideas, and bad habits). Don’t be so attached to “the way you’ve always done it” that this opportunistic year passes you by…

Your next birthday will move you into a Strength Year – 11. (Do NOT reduce this card to 2). This is the year to tame the beast within –your shadow self. This is a year for renewed passion in all areas. You can recapture a youthful perspective and release old fears from the past. Creative arts may be of interest to you this year. This is the year to tap into the unlimited resources of your personal strength.