Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by snakes. I remember an occasion when, at about 9 year old, I was running in the woods with my sister, and spotted what I thought was a turtle (I didn’t have my glasses on). Upon way to close an inspection (like, face-to-face) I realized it was a rattle snake! I was so close that she actually gave me the warning rattle.Even with this event, my love of snakes continued, expressing itself through pets (yup – I had pet snakes as an adult in my mid 20’s), jewelry, art, and most recently, my new tattoo.
About 2 years ago, one of my Scared Journey Mastery students shared with the group, the Native American Zodiac. Low and behold, what do you think my symbol was? Yup – a Snake!
Even before this serendipitous event, I knew that “snake” was one of my totem animals. It is literally a symbol of change/transformation/ rebirth.
Equally, the “death” card in a tarot deck (which means transformation & change) is associated with Scorpio – my astrological sign.
It is said that we all have 9 Totems.
Wanna know what yours are?
If you’re local, join me at Haylo on May 15th at noon and we’ll do a journey to meet a few.
Not local? No worries..!
Do some reflecting on your life and what animals (or insects) resonate with you. You can also check out your Native American Horoscope.
Most importantly, stay awake and aware of what you keep “bumping into”.
It’s a clue.
You are loved~