If you or someone you know is trying to conceive, here are fun little rituals that also happens to be very effective for healthy couples.
Eating certain foods have been known to increase fertility. Pomegranates, pumpkins, and figs are reputed for reproductive powers because they are filled with seeds.
Women should eat these foods while ovulating to increase their chances of conceiving, Men should eat them during new moon phases to increase their sperm count.
The Yoruban Goddess Oshun loves pumpkins, so petitioning her is wise – however, DO NOT eat pumpkin seeds if you are working with her energy. She views the seeds as her own children, so common sense would dictate that you do not eat her babies if you want to work with her to get your own!
To work with Oshun, you can make an offering of pumpkin smothered in honey. Be sure to taste the honey before presenting your offering. There is a legend of someone trying to poison her with honey. The taste-test lets her know that your intentions are pure, and your offering is safe.
Oshun is the Goddess of the river, so – to boost efficacy – you can deliver this offering to the closest river on a night with a full moon.
Another option is to create an altar for Oshun in your home. Offer yellow 7-day candles on Tuesdays with your honey covered pumpkin offering.
Another ritual involves The Empress Tarot Card (preferably one with an image of a pregnant Empress), a green (or pink) 7-day candle and green grapes.
The Venus Ritual
- Carve your initials & your partners initials in the candle.
- Dress your candle with a road opening oil (Block Buster, Ellegua oil, Abre Camino oil, etc).
- Fume the base of the candle with Love incense.
- On a Friday, light your candle at your altar. Place the grapes and Empress card around the candle.
Or get your candle dressed and ready to go from us at Curio, Craft & Conjure!
And don’t forget, the best part of conception is the work you put into it (wink, wink) – so have fun. Don’t let the fun part turn into a chore!