Do you have an area in your home that is sacred to you?
You may call it an altar, meditation room or the bathroom (if you have small kids!).
I consider my whole house “sacred space”. IN my house, I have 3 places that are most sacred:
- My bedroom
- My meditation room
- Our “altar room”
Regardless of where it is or what you call it, having “sacred space” is paramount for your energetic health.
Each of my “sacred spaces” have one thing in common: Crystals.
Top 5 Crystals that support Sacred Space
Tip: Keep in mind that these crystals can be used for a multitude or reasons. In fact, your intention supports your goal.
- Amethyst: Said to offer a “bubble of light” in the area it is in, amethyst offers a high spiritual vibration, spiritual protection
and purification. - Black Tourmaline – Transmutes and restructures energy, while protecting you from “EMF-cooties” (like from your microwave, cell phone, and all other electrical appliances). It is superior for protecting and deflecting undesired energy; warding off hexes, while grounding you.
- Smokey Quartz: The perfect grounding and detox stone. Because it absorbs so much, many believe that it should not be used. I have found it very effective when used in combination with citrine.
- Onyx – Another perfect stone to shield you from damaging electromagnetic influences. It is also good for stress relief, is also protective and grounding.
- Black Obsidian: This stone offers potent psychic protection while bringing up negativity (ie: grief, trauma; anger etc). Perfect for cleansing and transmutation.
Ready to create sacred space? Curio, Craft & Conjure carries these stones.
We are also JUST ABOUT TO START a 6-Part Friday Night Crystal Series, The Art & Soul of Crystal Magick.
If you are more than a crystal lover, someone who wants to go deep with your crystal uses and awareness – this course is for YOU.
Sessions will be LIVE & also available ONLINE. Live sessions will be 6 Fridays from 6:30 – 8:00 at Curio Craft & Conjure. The Curio Crystal Series will cover:
- April 5th – Crystal Basics: The Science & History of Crystal Magick
- April 19th – Crystal Communication: How to use your intuition to speak to your crystals.
- April 26th – Crystal Divination: How to do a reading using crystals (This offers a NEW technique to divining with crystals.
- May 3rd – Crystal Gridding: How to do a Crystal Grid to yield your desires.
- May 10th – Crystal Space Clearing: What stones to use, where to put them & why
- May 17th – Intro to Crystal Healing: How to do energy clearing using crystals. (Including placement, type of crystals & more)
This powerful crystal intensive series is only $197.
Interested? Click here.