Take this quick test to decode your manifesting style! Figuring out your strongest chakras help you create a blueprint for health, wealth, self expression and love. The gifts inherent in your strongest and most developed chakras express your spiritual purpose and attract the abundance in the four corners of your life required to achieve your spiritual destiny. This is an “Answer truthfully…There is no right or wrong" test. You answer only to you. Select the answer that fits the best for each statement. I am a very "touchy/feely" person.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! People often describe me as candid.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I have a weekly budget that I stick to.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! Love is more important than money.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I like to speak about (or write) my goals.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I picture my ideas and desires before acting on them.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! Before I make a decision, I pray or meditate about it.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! Buying something tangible with my money brings me joy.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! Being creative is more important than making money.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I like to gather and analyze information.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! In love - I give myself freely hoping my mate will do the same.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I hear guidance from angels, spirit guides and the deceased.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I use my imagination a lot when visualizing my goals.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! My Spiritual Life is more important than anything.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I prefer to invest my money in tangible assets (ie: precious metals)* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I am hyper aware of the feelings of others.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I make all of my important decisions based on logic.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! Every profession I choose involves helping others.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I love to talk, and love to hear what others have to say.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I think "big picture" when fluctuations occur with my investments.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I trust that I am being Divinely guided in all areas of my life.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! My professional product or service is useful and tangible.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I often feel others feelings like they are my own.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I appreciate those who are logical, intelligent and organized.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! The main goal of making money is caring for those I love.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! When I select stocks, I get tips from trusted sources.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I think in terms of long range plans when making life decisions.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! The main purpose of money is to serve the Divine plan.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I will get physical reactions when something is important.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I place more value on expressing my creativity than I do making money.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! People have called me "frugal" because of my money consciousness.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I put my relationship needs before money.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I need to hear the words "I love you" from my partner.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I think my thoughts in pictures.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all! I would never surrender my values for a relationship or job.* Oh yeah, that's me! A lot, but not all the time Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not Sometimes, but not often That's not me at all!