Here are some of the questions I get asked most often about the online courses. Have a question about something I didn’t answer here? Contact me and I’ll be glad to help you out… actually, if you ever have a technical issue I’ll have my tech right-hand, Linda, to help you out. It will end in a lot less tears that way!
Q. The site isn’t working properly. What should I do?
A. If you have trouble accessing any of the material on the site, please e-mail so we may troubleshoot the issue. In your message please include the URL relevant to the issue and as much information as you can share, i.e. browser and/or device you are using when you experienced this complication and any error messages you may have received.
Q. Why are the videos not playing or freezing?
A. If you are unable to access a video, please try to logout and log back in with your username and password. If you are still unable to access these videos, please e-mail so we may help troubleshoot the issue.Different browsers and devices handle playback differently and various browser add-ons and plugins may affect playback. Please e-mail us at with more information regarding your browser or device so we may help troubleshoot the issue for you.
Q. Why can’t I download the files?
A. We want to make the material we share in our programs and free training as easy as possible for you to access. If you’re having trouble downloading the material, please e-mail with the error message you have received so we may troubleshoot and send you the material.
Q. How do I find which programs I belong to?
A. Click on the main top menu link called “Dashboard”. There you will see a list of all of the programs you currently have access to.
Q. What happens if I forget my password? Or my login page?
A. To login, you may click the login link on the menu at the bottom of the page or bookmark to make the membership site easily accessible for future visits. If you forget your password, you click the “Forgot password” to have a new password sent to your email address on file, but if you don’t recall which email address you used to sign up you can email us at and we’ll be happy to assist you.