Have you ever thought of Re-Divining Yourself?
Imagine what this world would be like if everyone who was musically talented played an instrument (or sang!) … and chefs created edible art…..all artists were truly free to paint…..(faces or canvas), and draw ..or make beautiful jewelry…dancers danced to the music created by the musically gifted…teachers teaching their most cherished subjects (drama, theater, spirituality)…..Cafe owners made the finest brew, served in the best environments and we all enjoy relaxing and socializing in these havens…all of this, Rather than some boring desk job, (or flippin’ burgers, or pushin’ someone else papers, or doing anything we don’t LOVE.)
“Divine” is another word for Mystical. Sacred. Eternal…and Spiritual. Reclaim your Spiritual, Eternal and Sacred aspects.
Have you noticed how often we “herd” to these shitty environments and act like “sheeple”?
Here is my question:
What lesser god are we serving, if we are not honoring our OWN Divinity?
Sometimes we feel stuck in environments.
We don’t practice our innate gifts. We are so numb, we don’t even know what they are anymore.
Tip: If something comes naturally and easily to you, AND makes your heart sing…it is probably a gift.
Suggestion: Nurture and Encourage your gift. Make room for it in your life.
Re-Divine Yourself. You have gifts to use for the Good Of All.
Claim and Recognize your Highest Gift.
Doing this encourages others to practice their Gifts.
This is what YOU are meant to do. (How cool is that?)
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Join The Oracle Academy.