Hey there!
Is there an area of your life you are feeling stuck?
It may be your career, relationship, health – it could be anything, really. It is usually pretty hard to “un-stuck yourself” because there is an aspect of our personal “shit-uation” we can’t see…that is – until we do.
But until then, an event will replay itself over and over in our lives like Groundhog Day, until we finally stop and allow ourselves to receive the answer.
True Story: I recently started dating someone new, and as I was moving through my recent post-surgery recovery, they ghosted me.
As I lay in my bed thinking “WTF?” – I recalled this: During my last 2 “health journeys”, I was seeing people that disappeared when it mattered most.
When I asked myself: “What is this about?”, I received the answer from my spirit. And it kicked my ass.
When my mother died in 2016, I was in full-blown grief mode. My partner was dying around the same time, and far too many reasons to get into in a newsletter, I was not there when she took her final breath.
The guilt I held on to since 2016 was not alleviated until I realized that, not only did I attract the perfect people to disappoint me in my time of need, but that I also energetically supported the perfect health challenge that would support my personal hell (Groundhog Day).
With this realization, I knew exactly what I had to do.
I traveled through the wormhole of imagination and went back to my last moment with my partner. In my vision, I held her hand and as she took her take her last breath, she said all the things I wanted to say. In this vision, I didn’t let anything or anyone inspired me to leave her side.
This power-filled journey left me weeping. Over the next several days, I repeated this exercise, releasing all that was needed to release.
The best part of this whole event was the confirmation I received after my very first journey. I picked up my phone to check my email and saw an email from DailyOM on the topic of Regret, which basically described doing exactly what I had done to move on and support my healing.
This was probably one of the most powerful personal healing epiphanies I had ever had in my life.
So – I ask you again: What area of your life are you feeling stuck?
More importantly, are you ready to let go of what needs to be released?