I’ll never forget this night.
It was about 8 years ago. I was participating in a psychic fair, doing readings at a local metaphysical store. There was a whole bunch of us doing readings that night. I sat next to a reader who had been reading traditional tarot for years. We exchanged pleasantries and then got to work.
This fair offered “speed dating” style readings, where every 15 minutes a bell would ring indicating time was up.
As I was busy with back-to-back readings, I noticed that the reader next to me had clients that would get up and leave in less than 5 minutes. I didn’t think much of it, until I noticed the reader herself, get up and leave – right in the middle of the event!
When the Psychic Fair was over, I asked the owner of the store “What the heck was that about?”
She confided with me that the reader brought the wrong deck and couldn’t read from it!
Here’s the thing: My students can read from any deck after studying with me. I teach the art of mastering Intuitive Tarot.
Traditional tarot is based on memory and specific imagery, (in the case of this reader, a very specific deck).
Intuitive tarot uses tarot as a tool and intuition as your guide. The best part? Intuition uses what you already know – so there is no memory required!
If you have ever wanted to master the art of tarot readings (whether it is for yourself or professionally), I am offering 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery where you can learn:
- 7 approaches to tarot reading: You will use intuition, and whichever additional modality resonates with you.
- Setting the perfect “energetic stage” for successful readings, which makes for poignant accuracy.
- Reading the emotion constellation in your chosen deck, to understand how your deck “speaks” to you.
- 3 unique approaches to understanding the elements in your deck.
- The art of storytelling. Threading images offers profound readings that can “read” like a novel.
- Personal “Numerology” & “Symbolism”, an intuitive technique that allows greater depth & accuracy.
- “Common Sensing Your Deck” – Learning how your 5 senses provide powerful 6th sense information.
- Messages through Metaphors: Learning how to see messages behind the many metaphors in your deck.
- Naming people in your client’s life (or who may soon be in it).
- Reading the energy of your clients (empathy) for more powerful readings.
- Tarot Mediumship: Receiving messages from the beyond for your clients.
- 3 Powerful Timing Techniques that support your clients (or yourself!)
- Introduction to The Celtic Cross and How to Create your own Spreads.
- Empowering Communication Techniques for difficult messages: Not every reading reveals rainbows & roses. Learn the art & skill of communication with compassion.
I recently started your 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery – currently at lesson 8… The spirit of one of my deceased uncles contacted me randomly while I was taking a picture of my cards for Instagram…I didn’t realize he was contacting me until I looked down at the cards and started to read them! I was using the Santa Muerte tarot deck & I read that import things had been locked away in a bank (his will) and that he wanted us to know!
I am still shaking at how accurate this was & really wanted to Thank you for this class and the access to the knowledge you’ve given to not only me but to the people around me through my readings!
~ John Martinez
Other Details:
- There are 12 lessons in total – 6 of them LIVE Sunday Sessions at Curio, Craft & Conjure starting April 5th from 12-2 PM.
- Written materials and video lessons are provided.
- A Private Facebook Group will allow us to share insights & ask questions.
- Materials and videos will be held in the Private Facebook group.
- Sessions are experiential, for hands-on learning.
- This class is only $247
If you want to learn the Art of Intuitive Tarot join me as I share my tarot tips and techniques!