Can you keep a secret?
Seriously….Can you?
It seems that so many of us boost (and boast) our latest and greatest adventures on any social media vehicle available.
Out with friends? Let’s “tweet” about it!
Break-up with your last love? Post it!
Want to tell someone sitting right next to you how much you love them? No better way than a VERY public display of affection.
Don’t get me wrong. I personally love seeing all the birthday wishes I get on facebook.
But I do believe some things are just meant to be kept between you ….and you.
Well, your event becomes a precious jewel. You (and you alone) get to revel, judge, celebrate and (or) condemn it.
The best part of this is that, you are doing (whatever you are doing) just for you, not for anyone else . You get to think about it, feel about it and own it.
This is very powerful stuff.
It means that you are unaffected by the good or bad opinions of others. Isn’t that a mantra?
It’s what YOU think that counts.
Do something special today – just for you. Create a goal. Draw or paint a picture. Write a poem or story. Make up a song.
Then do the unthinkable.
Keep it to yourself.