Just as energy comes in many forms, the way we clear it comes in equal varieties.
Most of us are familiar with smudging new homes and spaces to set our own energies in a “new to us” space, and in this newsletter, I want to share the various ways energy can be cleared from home (or any space) and from yourself!
I’ll start with the basics:
Smudging (or the burning of sacred herbs): Many people (at one time, myself included) have limited the idea of “smudging” to sage. You can “smudge” with a variety of herbs! Each herb carries its own promise, so permit yourself to use herbs that “speak” to you. Lately, I’ve been burning rosemary in my house each morning and cracking open a window to let the smoke (which carries unwanted energy) out. You can smudge yourself or your space. Note: Many people are concerned with borrowing from “closed practices.” This is a good thing โ but not every ritual is a “closed practice.” In my book, if you can grow the herb, you can burn it! Simply be sure to respect it.
Sound: Sound is a powerful purifier! You can call in and send out energy with sound. In my study of Acutonics (a special kind of tuning forks), I learned that there were sounds/forks used to calm energy (thereby “loosening it”) before the “banishing” forks were used. Bells, clapping, singing bowls, even your voice carries clearing energy.
Energy Work: Acupuncture, Massage, Reiki, and Shamanic Healing all support the releasing and alignment of energies. My “Energy Squad” includes Blue Root Acupuncture (https://blueroothealth.com/), Ashely Masters (https://www.ashleymastershealingarts.com/ and, of course, my talented daughter, Gianna Spriggs-Macdonald https://curiocurandera.com/.
Spiritual Baths: Unlike a regular bath to physically clean your body, this bath cleanses you of unwanted energies. A variety of baths can be used. For example, Purifying baths, Love or Money baths, and Elemental baths. Just as an Epsom Salt bath soothes and removes pain, baths that contain Epsom salt remove obstacles, while baths made with herbs can either remove unwanted energies or call in the energies you desire. War Water is another type of bath used to send back Curses, Hexes, or Jinxes that were sent to you.
Floor Sweeps: Sweeping “scoops up” unwanted energies. You can call in protection, money, and love when paired with something like High John or other specific herbs! (The entire Curio, Craft & Conjure staff can help you personalize your custom floor sweep! Just ask any of us!)
Floor and Wall Washes: If you are doing this, I suggest doing either or both before smudging โ followed by a Spiritual Bath. Arguments leave energy deposits just like cigarette smoke โ so periodic cleaning of whichever room you argue most is essential! Floor washing also clears your space of energetic residues left or sent intentionally or not. A simple solution using Florida Water mixed with hot water is a standard.
Egg Cleansing: One of my favorites, egg cleansing is done by many cultures around the world when people feel “off.” The egg acts as a “decoy,” – so whatever energy is on the person gets transferred to the egg. The egg is then cracked and emptied into a glass jar filled with water to be read. There is a TON of insight that an experienced egg cleanser can provide.
Write & Release: I’m declaring this as a type of clearing because it has helped me for as long as I can remember! Whether you journal or write letters and burn them, this is a wonderful way to transfer the feelings from your body onto a page.
True Story: I once joined a former friend as she burned the journals of her deceased lover. My sister joined us as we went to a beach on Nantucket and found a quiet spot to “burn.” My sister and I were tasked with ripping pages out of the journals while my friend burned them. We agreed not to read the journals, but I couldn’t help but spot flashes of anger on some of the pages. At one point, as the black ashes rose from the fire, a larger piece of black ash turned into a black butterfly! (My friend did not see it.) In awe, I asked my sister, “Did you see that?” She responded, “Yup!” and that was that! I never told my friend, but my sister and I are still talking about it ten years later!
You may have noticed that these ways of releasing energy can use water, fire, air, or earth. (I consider hands-on therapies an earth-based practice). Generally, I gravitate toward water and air for clearing myself and hiring specialists when I need support. The point here is to find a way that resonates with you and clear regularly!!
BIG NEWS! We are re-starting Saturday afternoon classes again at Curio, Craft & Conjure! Please keep an eye on our Instagram (@curiocrfatconjure) to see what upcoming topics we’ll cover. We’ll post about it and briefly cover the topic in our 10 Minute Tutorials, which we’ll expand on in the Saturday Classes.