Perfect Timing
For everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven
~Ecclesiastes 3.1 King James Bible
Performing a ritual is like planting seeds. For seeds to grow, you must plant them under the influence of the most favorable conditions.
At Curio, Craft & Conjure, we make our magickal oils under celestial influences. When creating C-4 candles, we tell our clients when to light them so they are accessing planetary influences that work on their behalf.
Aligning yourself with the appropriate planetary powers (that support the nature of your rituals) improves the effecacy of your work.
See – each planet carries very distinct energies that support a variety of rituals. In addition, some planets are associated with a specific day of the week – making rituals done on those days extremely impactful.
In this newsletter, we provide these Planetary-Power “crib notes” for your convenience:
The Sun/Sunday: A great influence for personal power and leadership.
The Moon/Monday: Perfect influence for dream work, intuition and family life.
Mars/Tuesday: Action; Vitality; Strength; Competition; Courage.
Mercury/Wednesday: Communication; Mental skills; Learning; Travel.
Jupiter/Thursday: Growth; Expansion; Good Luck.
Venus/Friday: Love; Relationships; Social Interactions; Art; Beauty
Saturn/Saturday: Limitations; Responsibility; Stability; Work; Protection
Moon Phases
Doing rituals during specific moon phases will also support the effectiveness of your work.
The New Moon: A great time to get things started. Launch a new idea, program or way of thinking during this time.
The Waxing Moon: This is a great time to do spells that support expansion and growth of what you already have.
The Full Moon: The perfect time to see clearly and make room for “more”.
The Waning Moon: A great time to let go of people, habits, or even start a start a diet (if you want to “lose weight).
Whether you are lighting incense, clearing your home, taking a Spiritual Bath, doing Candle Magick or even creating a Crystal Grid – timing is KEY.
TIP: Do you know when the VERY BEST time to do a ritual is?
Your Birthday!
Each year, on your special day – the planets work on your behalf.
Another TIP: With every purchase made at Curio, Craft & Conjure, we give you a Ritual Timing Guide FREE – that also provides specific times of day to perform a variety of rituals.
Come to the store (or order on-line) to get your copy today!