Hi there!
I don’t know about you, but the past month has been a doozy for me!
With all the astrological events at play (eclipses, full moons, retrogrades, etc.), many epiphanies, changes, and awakenings are a-foot!
Many of us are “up-leveling” now, and I thought it would be the perfect time to circle back and offer one of my favorite foundational classes that help people step into their power.
About ten years ago, I taught this course privately, one-on-one, then I segued into teaching more advanced classes – which have left many people looking to step into their power and searching for exactly what this course offers.
Since opening Curio, Craft & Conjure, people (repeatedly) tell us they are “new” to spirituality, but the truth is that no one is “new.” We are all Spiritual Beings. However, we’ve all been taught to disconnect from our spirit and purpose in an effort to “blend” – a survival technique shoved down our throats at an early age. Blending often requires leaving behind your dreams of being an artist, creative, or intuitive so that you can pursue “real jobs” and make “real money.” We’ve also been pushed towards marriage, kids, white picket fences, and all the other bullshit that, in truth, is not for everyone – and that’s ok! At some point, we (hopefully) realize that after following society’s “rubric” for success and happiness, we wake up one day miserable and alone (even though someone may be sleeping right next to us) and ask ourselves, “Is that all there is?”
The answer is Hell No!
My epiphany happened in my 40s, and at first, it was fun, but during my 50s, as many of you know, I have been to hell and back, all part of my journey to my authentic self, increased power, and an abundance of love from a variety of sources.
I’m glad some folks are “waking up” younger than their 40’s, but I am living proof it is never too late. Waking up and stepping into your power is always on time.
So – If you would like an experienced guide to assist you out from “the matrix” towards your most authentic self – with all of our spiritual talents, gifts, and skills – open your email from me this Thursday.
A very special opportunity awaits!!