I’ve been sharing a lot about the transitions taking place in my personal life, and have been overwhelmed by the feedback I’m getting. I guess that April 7th New Moon heralded changes for all of us!
One of the things that has helped my family settle into a new way of being was the burning of Sage. (I now grow my own, because I found that the fresh leaves can be dried for burning or used to make a highly potent cleansing/healing tea.)
Sage smoke “baths” are a powerful way to rid one of energy that is clinging to them. With this clean slate, you then simply herald in the energy you desire.
I like to burn a Garden Sage Candle to effortlessly clear my home once a week of energies brought into the home from the outside world.
However you choose to use your sage, (Smoke, Fire or Water), remember – it wipes out all energy, so be intentional about what you invite in after your cleansing work.
You are loved~