When I look back at my year, the single biggest thing I see… is a blur.

I have tried to do so much in so little time…almost like my life depended on it.
And can I be honest with you?
I really didn’t get a lot done.
Now, I am not saying a lot didn’t happen, I’m just sayin I didn’t get a lot done.
In fact, I find myself now “un-doing” what was done.
Truth be told, I feel like I’m back at the starting point in many ways.
So – I have declared 2015 my year to “Slow Down for Results.”
I have 2 single objectives I WILL accomplish, and I am going to take my time so I can have the quality results I desire.
I am so excited about this leisurely process because – since I am NOT overloading myself, I can almost TASTE the results!!
My 4 Step Strategy:
1. Scheduling the time to think deeply about the changes I want.
2. Committing to be proactive in my planning process, so I am not playing “catch up” with the small stuff.
3. A personal commitment to break old reactive patterns that keep me from my target.
4. Balancing analysis with intuition I can trust.
From there I am “mapping out” my year.
Pretty cool, huh?
This map will be one of the tools that will support my Super Size Your Soul group – keeping us all on track.
What changes would you like to see in 2015?
Are you ready to commit, really commit to YOU?
Wanna borrow the tool my group will use?