Happy Sunday!
Have you ever wondered how successful intuitives got to BE successful?
Recently, I was chatting with Alix after her Intuiutive Tarot Reading. She was overwhelmed with how much was revealed in just 30 minutes. And because she too, is an intuitive, she asked me this question that I thought I’d share my answer with you.
“Are there any secrets you can share, about what successful intuituives have in common?”
I had to think about it because I never really have. I know many excellent intuitives, but they are not – necessarily, successful. So – after some consideration, this was my response:
1. Successful Intuitives have Community. Support can often be sketchy with “muggles” (who go from “oh, what you do is so cool” to “Please don’t wear that crystal/pendant (whatever) around my mother/husband…you fill in the blank).
No one should ever be asked to limit our “Being”. Especially if these same folks tell their family “Don’t talk about Jesus/The Bible/Being Saved while Gina is here.” I would never dream of telling anyone how to “be” – and no one should have any fantasies about how I represent myself.
This is why we need each other!!!
2. Successful Intuitives “share the wealth.” They know that they have a specialty and don’t even try to fill everyone’s needs. The “Jack of all trades Psychic” is pretty common with newer/more desperate folk, still trying to build their business, but it works against them. They often end up with bad reputations because they “failed” someone. So, for example, although I am a Medium, I know there are better mediums in Charlotte, and I refer those looking for that service to one of my students or friends I am confident can provide it.
3. Successful Intuitives like to learn. They know they DON’T know it all and look for mentors who excel in an area they want to be successful in.
4. Successful Intuituives know they are HUMAN. While our clients may look at us through the lens of awe, we know our humanness is part of our Godliness.
You are loved!