I don’t know what part of the world you are in, but even though it has been hot as the hinges of hell in my neck of the woods, I’m starting to get that Fall feeling. To me, that feeling is heralded by more than the changing color of leaves. I feel it in the air and hear the song of the birds …
We have all experienced the sense of urgency to “learn everything” and “move forward.” With that, we are often confronted with challenges and setbacks. When a situation, person, or thing appears to hold you back, remember that in this setback lays the blessing of an opportunity for a solution and …
Ready for The Red Pill?
Many people come into their spirituality by way of Magick to help others, themselves, or to simply feel like they have more influence in their lives than they had been led to believe. It is soothing to adopt rituals that honor cycles – be it life, seasons, and/or phases of the moon. Stepping …
Weird Fishes & Shadow Magick
The other day, my friend (and former Mentor student) stopped by Curio, Craft & Conjure to grab a few things. While in the store, one of my favorite songs (Weird Fishes - by Lianne La Havas) was playing. My friend cocked her head to the side and said, "wait - that's a Radiohead song!" (I never …
Spiritual Garbage Picking
As a store owner, I now get to go crazy in one of my secret addictions: Books. I come from a family of voracious readers, but it was my ex-husband who introduced me to the “self-help” category, leading me away sexy from chick-lit novels. Many of the books we carry at Curio, Craft & …
The Love & Light Fraud
We all have our dark side – our shadow self that we keep hidden- often even from ourselves. For many – that dark side is simply part of their existence, and it is out there for all the world to see (thank you!) But there are many people in spiritual communities who “present” themselves as …
The Gold in Our Shadow
Our Shadow side is the dumping ground for the aspects of ourselves we don’t want to accept….that part of us that accumulates more energy than our ego - sometimes erupting as an overpowering rage. Jung believed that we are all born whole, but at some point, after “eating the fruit from the tree of …
Shadow Magick
Magick and Spirituality, contrary to popular belief – is not all "love and light." The truth is our "light" would not exist without our "dark". We all have a dark side. All of us – even the most "spiritual" have anger, bitterness, hate, and fear. To access this power, you have to go to those …