This old picture of 3 generations of my family makes me smile. Looking at it, you can tell, that, like many, my lineage stems across continents and races.
My family has many unspoken tenants that, truth be told, I haven’t always lived by. Recently, I resurrected them.
There is also a prayer I found in the book Mutant Message Down Under over 20 years ago. I’ve tweaked it a little – so it resonates with me and these teachings.
Both are part of my DNA. Both are a road map for living a more connected life.
Today, I share them with you.
Teachings from My Ancestors
- Count your blessings daily. (Gratitude rewires your brain to discover more to be grateful for.)
- Honor your ancestors through your actions.
- Our “real” Mother is the earth. Your birth mother is a metaphor. Honor & care for both.
- Not everything is at it appears. See, feel, hear, & act from your heart.
- All life is sacred. Treat all beings with respect.
- Ask before taking from the earth. Leave an energy exchange. Don’t take more than you need.
- Have big picture thinking. Constantly ask yourself “What is the best step next for all?”
- Praise in public. (Reprimand in private.)
- Follow the rhythms of nature. (Birth projects. Enjoy friends & family in the sun. Harvest memories. Allow closure. Repeat.)
- Enjoy life. Leave a legacy of powerful words & actions.
Daily Prayer:
“Forever Oneness -
who speaks to us in silence,
& teaches us through each other.
Guide my steps with strength & wisdom.
May I see the lessons as I walk:
Honor the Purpose of all things.
Help me touch with respect &
always speak from behind my eyes.
Let me observe, without judgment
May I cause no harm;
And may I leave music & beauty after my visit.
When I return to forever,
may the spiral be broader & the circle be closed.”
Moral: Two things are certain in life: Your birth & your death. If you can improve one life, starting with your own, you have a life well lived.
Speaking of “improving one life” – for 1 week I am offering unlimited access to ALL of my online courses (currently 8 Intuitive Development classes & counting!) at 50% off Lifetime Membership PLUS 2 Extra PERKS: A 30 Minute Reading with yours truly AND 1 year of Membership to The Curio Family (valued at $1600) for 1 Week ONLY (through May 26th).