Since opening Curio, Craft & Conjure, literally hundreds of people have come into our store looking for books on tarot, tarot decks and basic instruction on how to read tarot.
I have been skillfully and accurately reading tarot for over 40 years.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that learning how to read tarot in the traditional sense is a life-long process.
That said, tarot happens to be one of my passions.
As a child, I was always able to “predict the future”. It was a spontaneous gift that popped up when people would say something like “I’ll see you next Wednesday” or “I’ll be there at 7:00”.
I am easily able to feel/peer into the future to see if that commitment is likely to happen. This skill is not about discerning honesty. It’s about knowing when other things will interfere with plans.
When I was about 10, I realized this was a unique skill. Before then, I didn’t realize that everyone didn’t/couldn’t do this.
I also had, what most parents call “an imaginary friend”.
This I KNEW was not the norm, so I kept it to myself. Until…one day my mother and I were in the kitchen of our high-rise apartment on 96th street and Columbus Avenue in NYC. While we were cooking, my mother shared a story about one of my older sisters and her imaginary friend.
My Mom explained how a plate would be set for “her” and conversations included “her” -etc. (This sister is a Virgo. If you know anything about Virgos, perfection is key! I am a Scorpio. Scorpios have secrets. At 10, this was mine.)
This was when I decided to share my newest “friend” with my Mom. She did not have a name. She would simply walk out of the wall of our building to greet me each day when I came home from school.
Needless to say, my mother was…curious. She asked a lot of questions. Because of this, I remember these details about my friend:
- She was about my age.
- She wore a white shirt, blue sweater, plaid skirt, knee highs & Mary Janes
- She carried a big white box (like a gift or a cake box)
- I could see her, but she was transparent.
- We walked through each other. We were each going in opposite directions, toward each other. When I turned to look back, she would not be there.
I was almost 50 when I realized the girl was “future Gina” being given more gifts. (I ended up going to a private school, wearing the exact outfit my “friend” wore.)
Fast forward –
After six years, numerous mystical events, inclusive of puberty – I suddenly had the desire to blend with my peers.
As a black teenager in the 70’s, living in a predominately white neighborhood (by then my family had moved to Millwood, NY) I was trying not to stand out. (Giggling yet? I too, reflect on this idea and laugh. There were only 5 black kids in the whole school.)
I thought tarot would help me appear to do “this thing” (read tarot) well, without looking like a weirdo by spontaneously telling people about their future. (That might look glamorous on The Long Island Medium, but trust me, it is not.)
Tarot became a passion for me. Over the years I studied with many talented tarot scholars (James Wanless, Mary K. Greer, Marcus Katz & Sasha Graham) – my very favorite being Maureen Cestero (who for the record has not written a book or taught formal classes that I am aware of – but does kick-ass, balls-on accurate readings! Maureen is very popular in Florida). I credit Maureen for helping me hone the art of Intuitive Tarot.
Most tarologists teach traditional tarot. Maureen, ahead of her time, blended traditional tarot with astrology and intuition providing the most detailed and accurate readings than you could ever get from any tarot scholar.
Thanks to Maureen, I’ve written The Intuitive Tarot Workbook and have 3 courses on The DailyOM. The most popular course? The Art of Intuitive Tarot.
I’ve taught over 20,000 people how to read tarot (intuitively), in a very short time – NOT a lifetime!
Here’s the thing: Tradition relies on rules you must memorize. Intuition uses what you know.
If you would like to study tarot while developing your intuition with me, I am offering my course 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery.
In this course, you will be able to work with me live and/or on-line. Here’s what you can expect to learn:
- 7 approaches to tarot reading: There are 7 approaches to reading the cards, and you will use intuition, and whichever additional modality resonates with you.
- Setting the perfect “energetic stage” for successful readings, which makes for poignant accuracy.
- Reading the emotion constellation in your chosen deck, to understand how your deck “speaks” to you.
- 3 unique approaches to understanding the elements in your deck.
- The art of storytelling. Threading images offers profound readings that can “read” like a novel.
- Personal “Numerology” & “Symbolism”, an intuitive technique that allows greater depth & accuracy.
- “Common Sensing Your Deck” – Learning how your 5 senses provide powerful 6th sense information.
- Messages through Metaphors: Learning how to see messages behind the many metaphors in your deck.
- Naming people in your client’s life (or who may soon be in it).
- Reading the energy of your clients (empathy) for more powerful readings.
- Tarot Mediumship: Receiving messages from the beyond for your clients.
- 3 Powerful Timing Techniques that support your clients (or yourself!)
- Spreads: Learn The Celtic Cross and how to Create your own Spreads.
- Empowering Communication Techniques for difficult messages: Not every reading reveals rainbows & roses. Learn the art & skill of communication with compassion.
I recently started your 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery – currently at lesson 8… The spirit of one of my deceased uncles contacted me randomly while I was taking a picture of my cards for Instagram…I didn’t realize he was contacting me until I looked down at the cards and started to read them! I was using the Santa Muerte tarot deck & I read that import things had been locked away in a bank (his will) and that he wanted us to know!
I am still shaking at how accurate this was & really wanted to Thank you for this class and the access to the knowledge you’ve given to not only me but to the people around me through my readings!
~ John Martinez
- There are 12 lessons in total – 6 of them LIVE Sunday Sessions at Curio, Craft & Conjure starting April 5th from 12-2.
- Lessons include written materials and video lessons.
- A Private Facebook Group will allow us to share insights & ask questions.
- Materials and videos will be held in the Private Facebook group.
- Sessions are experiential, for hands-on learning.
- The class is only $247.
If you want to learn the art of Intuitive Tarot join me as I share my tarot tips and techniques!