The patriarchy has a long history of culturally conditioning us.
There. I said it.
Recorded history highlights more men than women who’ve made meaningful discoveries and changed the world – and you can bet dollars to donuts that cultural appropriation supported numerous “discoveries” by white men.
The truth is that human beings are designed to have both yin and yang – masculine and feminine qualities. When in balance, both energies create an alchemy of divine joy and abundance in all forms that hinges on “magickal”.
- Yang/Masculine energy in its pure form is associated with action, accomplishments, making things happen, setting and achieving goals. The energetic chakra associated with the masculine is the solar plexus.
- Yin/Feminine energy is associated with “being”, stillness, community, co-creating, emotions, “receiving”, flow and honoring your inner authority. Related to the sacral chakra, it is located in the genital area. From this place, we create, birthing new possibilities, and receiving the pleasure that is our birthright. Self-love – which when done religiously, allows you to create space to love others.
The feminine is about loving your divine, authentic self and recognizing that spark in others. Through it, we the edge off the competitive side of masculine “accomplishments” – to space where we share, and co-create. This is not about “women versus men”. It is about energy.
7 Ways to Unleashing Your Yin
- Clear: All healing – it starts with “releasing” – making room for that which you desire.
- Rituals: Create a sacred space to get quiet and go within. Spend time with yourself daily in the morning or evening where you can meditate, pray, journal, and/or reflect.
- Connect with Nature: A walk in the park or in your neighborhood brings you out into the world of nature. Plants and crystals in the home bring nature to you. My favorite: Standing barefoot on the grass for 15 minutes a day.
- Go with the Flow: Emotions are strongly linked to intuition. Unfortunately, most of us have from childhood – been culturally converted to not express them – never mind trust them. Want to be able to own your intuition? Start here.
- In Decision Making: Learn the wisdom of your own body to tap into the wisdom within. What part of your body do you connect with when faced with choices? Do you feel joy or apprehension in your stomach or chest? This FREE test will help you understand what type of intuitive you are.
- Community: Don’t go it alone. Become part of a community where there is mutual support of one another. Join The Curio Family to enjoy free LIVE & Online events, reduced prices at our store. ($197)
- Gratitude: Observe all that you can appreciate – everything from your health, the food on your table, your loved ones, and your breath. Gratitude lets the Universe know what you want more of.
It’s time for YOU to care for YOU!