TODAY is the Day!
First – thank you for opening my emails …Those of you who are not into tarot have been reading a lot about it. I promise this is the last email about it (for a while, anyway!)
At noon today, I’ll be hosting my first LIVE lesson for 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery! Many people who know me from my popular DailyOM class The Art of Intuitive Tarot have reached out to ask what the difference is between the classes.
There are several:
- First and foremost, I will guide you through 6 live lessons. I’ll answer any questions you have while reviewing 6 of the 12 lessons (and answering any questions about any lesson)
- Our Private Facebook Group is where we will commune, share, and uplift each other and well as host our live sessions,
- You’ll learn how to speak to the dead with the lesson on Tarot Mediumship
- You’ll learn the art of TaroCrafting – how to co-create with the Universe with the support of your tarot deck.
- You’ll learn advanced timing techniques.
- I share an elemental chart, which charts out seasons and directions based on the elements.
- There are BONUSES! (Keep reading!)
What 12 Steps is NOT:
- This is not a money machine. This is an intimate group (as of this writing 9 people are in it).
- This is NOT the traditional model of the 78 card definitions. Intuitive Tarot requires very little memory.
- This is NOT a certification program. “Your credentials” will be your reputation.
- This is NOT expensive. The investment is only $247
The Bonuses:
- Effortless Intuition – my on-line intuitive development class is FREE.
- Divination: The Prequel to Magick – a 2-hour class that shares how to determine if you are cured (and much, much more) is FREE.
So…if you have been toying with the idea of joining me, please do!
Note: You may be thinking “I’ll do this at a later date” – and you can! This class is always available on-line, but the bonuses and live sessions are NOT.