In my neck of the woods, the “stay-at-home” order was *finally* put into effect on Thursday.
On one hand, I am happy about this. The sooner we contain the spread of this virus the better.
On the other hand, I am at a loss without something to do. I am ALWAYS working on some project or another, so this “stay at home” had my wheels turning.
Other than catching my pet snake’s dinner (Yes – there is a rat loose in my house (-long story) – I came up with my “to-do” list.
I’m sharing this with you because YOU are now my “accountability buddy”.
Here’s what I got:
- Clear out my closet. I need to throw out clothes I haven’t worn in YEARS.
- Plant hydrangea & rose bushes in my back yard. I always thought I would start gardening when I’m “old” – when I have time. Well (in my opinion) I’m not old. But I definitely have time!
- Learn something new. I love learning. I haven’t decided what this is yet, but I like to learn things I can live by and teach through example. There are also a few practical things on my “learn list”.
- Do something I love. I LOVE teaching my favorite subjects.
The last one is the easiest. Before “Rona” arrived, I planned on teaching 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery “live”, at my store.
I’m still going to teach it live – just not at my store. The bright side of ‘Rona is that I can now expand this offer AND get stuff done that I haven’t because of “time” as my excuse.
If you are also looking to learn something new and have been interested in tarot, please join me! 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery is a fun way to develop your intuition with tarot as your tool. You’ll learn to read tarot like a pro with me as your teacher and guide.
With 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery you’ll learn:
- 7 approaches to tarot reading: There are 7 approaches to reading the cards, and you can choose to use intuition, and whichever additional modality resonates with you.
- How to set the perfect “energetic stage” for successful readings, which supports accuracy and specificity.
- How to Read the emotion constellation in your chosen deck, to understand how your deck “speaks” to you.
- 3 unique approaches to understanding the elements in your deck.
- The art of storytelling. Threading images to offer profound readings that read like a novel.
- Personal “Numerology” & “Symbolism”, an added intuitive technique that allows you greater depth & accuracy.
- “Common Sensing Your Deck” – Learning how your 5 senses provide powerful 6th sense information.
- Messages through Metaphors: Learning how to see messages behind the many metaphors in your deck.
- Naming people in your client’s life (or who may soon be in it).
- Reading the energy of your clients (empathy) for more powerful readings.
- Tarot Mediumship: Receiving messages from the beyond for your clients.
- 3 Powerful Timing Techniques that support your clients (or yourself!)
- The Power of creating your own Spreads & The Celtic Cross.
- Empowering Communication for difficult messages: Not every reading comes up rainbows & roses. Here, you’ll learn the art & skill of communication with compassion.
A testimonial:
I recently started your 12 Steps to Tarot Mastery – currently at lesson 8… The spirit of one of my deceased uncles contacted me randomly while I was taking a picture of my cards for Instagram…I didn’t realize he was contacting me until I looked down at the cards and started to read them! I was using the Santa Muerte tarot deck & I read that import things had been locked away in a bank (his will) and that he wanted us to know!
I am still shaking at how accurate this was & really wanted to Thank you for this class and the access to the knowledge you’ve given to not only me but to the people around me through my readings!
~ John Martinez
How it works:
- Any tarot deck can be used. You will find your readings will have more value if you select a pictorial deck.
- Schedule about 30-60 minutes for each lesson.
- Watch (Video Lessons) and read (materials provided) each lesson from the convenience of where-ever you are – you can’t “miss” a class!
- My course Effortless Intuition (a $1500 value) is FREE with this program.
- I’ll host 6 LIVE Sunday Sessions Starting April 5th
- Our Private Facebook Group will hold video recordings if you miss the LIVE – and a place for us to post sample readings.
This program (with these bonuses) is Only $247 until April 5th.
Tarot is one of my favorite subjects. Teaching is one of my favorite things. Bringing these two together is for YOU, is my favorite way to inspire you to be your best self.