These are some of the “awkward moments” that can (and DO) pop up in readings. Those new to Intuitive work don’t know how to deal with this with ease and grace. I mean, seriously, how easy and graceful can it be to tell someone their husband is cheating on them?
Over the years and with the repeated exposure to moments like these, I’ve come up with what works for me. I share this (and more) with my Mastery Students. Take a look…it may work for you too:
4 Awkward Psychic Moments:
- “Hairy” Details: I recall a client who had an “issue”. As I saw it, there was something he was doing that he “felt bad about”, but couldn’t “stop”… it was like an addiction. I sensed it was related to sex. I said exactly that. (Notice – I got the gist, not the specifics). He blurts out “That must be the masturbation and pornography”. Note to Reader: Some people are just candid. See, that comment would be something my sisters would say in jest….so I laughed. Loudly. He WASN’T kidding.
Lesson 1: Often your clients will fill in the blanks, assuming you know what the specifics are (after all, you ARE psychic… you know EVERYTHING… right??). Be careful of your response.
- Seeing Death: On my ethics page, I indicate that I do not predict death. But sometimes death “pops up”. I rarely see it if clients show interest in personal gain. That said, when it does “pop up”, I ignore it 3 times. After that, I know I am supposed to share. One lady thanked me profusely because she was able to spend time with her mother, whose death I predicted (while she was absolutely healthy). She simply died suddenly.
Lesson 2: Be prepared. Determine how you will share something this sensitive. You are given this information for a reason.
- Sexual Abuse: I had a client whose young daughter suddenly started acting strangely. The mother sensed that her husband’s travel schedule could’ve been at play. I checked in clairvoyantly and was shocked to see sexual abuse at the hands of a female. I was very uncomfortable sharing this. I literally asked Spirit “How can I share this?? What if I am wrong?” The answer I received was: “And what if you’re right?’’ I shared the information, which was not well received. Eight months later, the mother called to tell me I was right.
Lesson 2: Be mindful. Avoid egoic “What if I’m wrong” avoidance. Check and double check with Spirit. Then deliver.
- Affairs: After looking at everything above, this is actually a piece of cake! Spouses usually know when their mates are cheating.
Lesson 4: Be kind in delivering, and withhold judgement. For some “cheating” is the end. For others, it could be a new beginning.
I share a gazillion tips like these with my Mastery Students at Curio, Craft & Conjure. Many folks complained about the fact they could not get to the store for these classes, SO I am starting a NEW Year-Long ONLINE class next month. (If you are interested, respond to this email).
My favorite way around delivering sensitive information is to say this: “You or someone around you…”
Let’s face it, our energy field connects us to those we love, so sometimes what I sense is someone in my client’s sphere of influence. That said, this is a credible method that maintains the integrity of both you and your client.
If you have no idea how that even works, maybe the 2019 Mastery Program is for YOU!