The holidays are here, and this year is just about gone.
All I can say is: Goodbye 2016.
Many people take this time to intend their new year, and plan for change. You know the saying “You plan, God laughs.”? Well, I have been on the receiving end of God’s laughter a lot over the last 2 years, but you know what? Nothing big ever happened without being imagined first.
So, my gift to you today: My 5 Steps to Change
1. Dream Big. It’s tempting to want to “start anew” with the New Year, but many of us desire changes so drastic we’re doomed from the start. But, I kinda like big changes. Some would say “keep your goals realistic”, but to me reality is something you rise above. So, this year, I’ll commit to one big change.
2. Watch Your Why: Shitty beliefs can sabotage objectives. (Losing weight to please someone is very different than losing weight so you can be healthy.)
3. Set it & Forget it. Have clear objectives, write them down, and put them in your “God Box”. Let the Universe figure it out.
4. Get Help. If you’re anything like me, you want visible support too. Why not combine the two? My newest relationship is with plant spirits. The Plant Spirits of Dandelion and Star of Bethlehem, help me with purification, inspiration and hope. (Note: I discovered that Plant Spirits are not monogamous, but they do like personal relationships. I am teaching an on-line class introducing Plant Spirit Communication. Click here to save your seat.)
5. Forget the “How” # 2 (Set it and Forget it) has a caveat: You don’t really forget it. You DO take the steps that will move you closer to your goal. Remain flexible as to how it is accomplished.