The last couple of newsletters have included fun, easy “Kitchen-Witchuals”.
I am getting great feedback on them (Thank you!!)
In the spirit of “keeping this going”, I was reminded of this ritual last week, when I was having a day when everything seemed to go wrong. I even said to one of my girlfriends “I need to go back to bed and start all over tomorrow.”
For many, including myself, times like these can lead to negative, depressing thoughts.
This is when we need to recognize that MAGICK IS OUR PERSONAL POWER and do a ritual that allows us to feel more optimistic and empowered.
- A small round mirror
- A white candle
- A wide mouthed jar
- Ashes (harvest this from charcoal or burning incense)
- A bottle of vinegar
- A knife
What to do:
- After sundown, go to your Sacred Space and cast a sacred circle. (In Hoodoo we pull from all magickal traditions. You can call in the directions if you lean toward Native American traditions, call in the Archangels, or perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Or, for now – you can just stand in front of your altar and say: This sacred circle is now open.)
- Light a white candle.
- Set the glass jar in front of the mirror and put some ashes in the jar. Fill up to 2/3rds with vinegar.
- With the knife, carve the name of the person (or thing) you hold responsible for the negativity in your life on your apple If it is your negativity that bothers you, carve a symbol that represents the reason you feel disillusioned. If it has to do with past experiences, come up with a symbol that represents the emotion behind it.
- Think about how peaceful it would be to be positive. Imagine a positive new cycle starting in your life where your dreams come true and you are worry-less
- Raise the apple above the jar and Chant:
Sending negativity to Source
Disperse into the Universe
Far away I send you this hour
May all attempts to harm me – sour
- Place the apple in the jar or vinegar.
- Repeat this ritual for three nights.
- Close your sacred space. (Leave the candle lit.)
- Throw the apple and vinegar into a stream of running water OR put it in the trash to be taken away from your home. Feel, sense, & imagine yourself free and happy.
Wanna learn more magick tips like these? Check out Hands-on Hoodoo! It includes:
- 8 Lessons (written materials!)
- 9 Video Lessons
- Hands-on classes to make your own magickal powders and oils! We’ll meet for 3 “hands-on” classes at Curio, Craft & Conjure.
Only $397 until June 30th ($597 after)