Hey there!
Continuing on with this Summer Magick Series – this spell helps Mend a Broken Heart – and works wonders after a break-up. (I promise you, this ritual can come in handy for you or someone you know!)
- A black candle
- A white candle
- A photo of the 2 of you together
- A carving tool for the candles.
1. Cast your sacred circle in front of your alter.
2. Meditate on the reason why this relationship ended. Love heals. With your love, you can heal your relationship and get back together or lovingly separate.
3. Empower your two candles with your intentions. The black candle may represent the negativity that made this rift. The white can represent the lessons you learned, or the power you gained.
4. Carve names or symbols on the black candle to represent the cause of this rift and on the white candle, carve your symbols of hope and love (two hearts entwined)
5. Set the picture of the two of you under the white candle. Place the black candle next to the white candle on the altar. Light the black candle and say:
All evils from the past go away now
This is my will; So it is.
6. Let the candle burn all the way down. Take the melted wax and throw it in a running stream, or in the trash outside your home. Let go of all the frustrations of that relationship.
7. The next day, visualize yourself rekindling the love that was lost. Light the white candle and say:
I am ready to receive love
This is my will; So it is.
8. Close your space. Perform the End of Ritual.
9. Collect the remaining wax in a pouch and carry it with you.
TIP: This is a great ritual to perform on a full moon.
If you want to access the magick that is at your finger tips, check out Hands-on Hoodoo! It includes
- 8 Lessons (written materials!)
- 9 Video Lessons
- Hands-on classes to make your own magickal powders and oils! We’ll meet for 3 “hands-on” classes at Curio, Craft & Conjure.
Only $397 until June 30th
($597 after)