I did a reading last week that, as it happens on occasion, was not all rainbows and unicorns. On the contrary, it predicted some pretty serious stuff.
I always inform my clients that, if they hear something they don’t like in their reading, they have the power to change it.
While that remains true, the caveat is if the “something” they don’t like is beyond their control. Sometimes events involve others and you certainly can’t control them. In cases like these, the only thing we can control is how we respond.
I was truly impressed when my client asked about a ritual that could build her strength. Her goal is to prepare herself for this event (and any other shit-uation life can throw her way.)
So – I am dedicating this ritual to her, and sharing it with you, cuz let’s face it – we could all use a little help.
This ritual is particularly effective if you are visual.
- 20 minutes (10 in the morning, 10 at night)
- A person who personifies Strength to you. NOTE: This is important. 16 years ago, when I was managing the cosmetic department for Bloomingdales, one of my employees was telling me about a “shit-uation” she was going through. And she shared “I asked myself what would Gina do?”
My Strength is my mother for some things or one of my sisters for others, but it can be someone you don’t know too. The more you know about them, the better.
This “witchual” should be done first thing in the morning and just before you go to bed.
6 Simple Steps to Strength
- Relax in a sitting position.
- Think of the person who has not only lived through but thrived after a situation like yours.
- In your mind’s eye, see them clearly.
- Now breath in their name, 17 times.
- Feel, sense or imagine the shift in your energy to the calm confidence of the person you “inhaled”.
- Relax. Smile and start your day (or go to sleep.)
P.S. Borrowing someone’s energy in this way does not harm them. A candle can light another without its flame being dimmed.