More and more these days I find that people are tapping into the rarest of intuitive gifts: Clairaudience. Upon discovery of this gift, you may think you are crazy. (I mean c’mon…your hearing voices!)
At some point, gifted individuals can discern their own voice from their Guides, Angels, Spirit, or lesser energies, and know when to heed the advice offered.
Know THIS: Discernment (which is necessary with all the gifts), is HUGE with this one and (unfortunately) not often practiced.
Just because you are hearing voices, it doesn’t mean it comes from an energy that loves you unconditionally.
Everyone knows who Hitler is, but have you ever heard the story of his “Demon Guide” Providence?
One day, while Hitler was hanging out in the barracks with his comrades’, a voice told him “leave this place, now!!” Hitler jumped up and left the barracks. As he exited, it was bombed, his comrades killed – and he escaped without a scratch. Hitler himself claims to have worked with Providence throughout his reign of terror…and for more than obvious reasons (like history) many have written that Hitler was possessed.
Here are a few keys to determine if the guidance you’re receiving is Divine:
- Is it loved based or fear-based? God loves all of us equally. There are no favorites. (How can the hand favor the finger?)
- Is it Universal or Discriminatory? God’s advice would serve everyone.
- Is it discrete or accusatory? God wouldn’t say “Your husband is an asshole” even if he beat you every day and you thought it was true. God would say something along the lines of “You deserve better.”
I once had a reading with a woman, and a spirit popped up, who’s name began with “L”. He was asking for forgiveness – which seemed nice on the surface.
My guides put a huge “X” over him (meaning “Do not continue with him”) and my client knew the apology wasn’t sincere. She knew exactly who he was. “Larry” (her brother-in-law) killed her nephew before killing himself and was still trying to stay “energetically connected” to the family.
The moral of this?
Always Source your Source.
Learn more ways to practice discernment through The Oracle Academy.