Ever wonder why you’re here?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve pondered this time and time again.
In Numerology your Soul Number holds the key to your true personality – the “you’ known only to you.
If you believe in reincarnation, your soul number reveals hints of who you’ve been in previous lifetimes. Because of this, your Soul Number becomes an underlying force which influences your actions in this life.
If your soul urge is repressed by outer circumstances and energetic influences, your soul fails to accomplish its purpose, and it is believed you may need to repeat this same vibrational urge in future lives, until it finds its true expression.
I learned that Scorpios (my astrological sign) are reputed for having committed suicide in previous lives. (Not to worry – I’m too vain to commit suicide in this life) – but the logic I see when I combine the two sciences (Astrology and Numerology), is that many Scorpios may have an underlying force which is often unexpressed in previous lifetimes – which leads to another life.
I don’t know about you, but I find this fascinating!
We explore the Soul Number in depth in Lesson 3 of The Magick of Numbers, my latest 6-part online course.
We’ll also explore:
- A brief history of Esoteric Numerology.
- The letter/number table and your Numerology Assessment Tool – a handy “cheat-sheet” to use throughout the course.
- Your Life Lesson Number – which helps you understand what you’re here to learn, your natural strengths and career options that support you.
- Your Soul Number, which represents your inner “you” – the “you” you have been from lifetime to lifetime – often your secret “you” and shares what you are here to learn. It reveals the talents you have acquired in your incarnations.
- Your Outer Personality Number, which represents how people see you. This may help or hinder you and is good to know!
- Your Path of Destiny Number – which represents what you came here to manifest. In addition, well look at the alignments of your relationships, address, phone number, license plate number and zip code.
- The importance of Numbers in Divination and Magick. You’ll be introduced to techniques that support Divination and Magick
- Tarot and Numerology go hand in hand. We’ll explore techniques that will bring more depth to your tarot readings.
Bonus: This course also has a Private Facebook group and a Resource List for those who want to go deeper or have questions to post.
With the launch of The Magick of Numbers, I am also offering Tuition Assistence to those who want to be part of The Oracle Academy. Members of The Oracle Academy may experience the 9 courses currently available at their leisure and future online courses.
The Oracle Academy is a portal to my online courses. It is valued at $over $3200. Lifetime membership to The Oracle Academy is $1997. The Tuition Assistance program allows those impacted by Covid-19 to provide an amount within their budget.
I invite you to take advantage of the early registration for The Magick of Numbers.
Note: Oracle Academy Members have access to The Magick of Numbers at no extra cost!
I hope to see you soon!
You Are Loved ~