People have a tendency to think that karma and justice are the same thing…like a balancing of scales with action/crime begets karma/punishment.
If you work with tarot, astrology or numerology, you may already be aware of the changing tides of opportunity. Every new day you are hit with new energies/information and the opportunity to choose what to do next.
In short, karma is a perfect opportunity for “right-action”.
Our actions and deeds are weighed not for punishment, but to establish balance and order in a universe that naturally strives towards harmony. It is subjected to the same radiant electromagnetic energy that is present around all of us.
If we seize every opportunity with the personal power of the present moment, then we can control our karma. Opportunity is always drawn to us. New information/energy allows us to “choose anew”.
If you have enough personal awareness and focus your consciousness on it, you can draw Karma to you – simply recognizing the karmic opportunity when it comes your way.
One of the techniques I will be sharing at Lumin8 Charlotte is “Controlling Karma” which is all about consciously creating desired outcomes – which creates karmic opportunities.
Learn this amazing technique and much, much more.
Tickets are selling fast for this limited seating September event…Save your seat TODAY. (VIP seats available, too!)