I love jewelry – and I come by it honestly. My mother always used to say that she preferred gifts that “decorated her person”.
I didn’t understand the underlying meaning of the statement. I am not sure she did either – but when I think about it, she separates her Spirit Self from her “Person”.
I too like to adorn myself with jewels. I have recently embraced the practice of asking my energy body if I should wear a particular piece of jewelry, each day.
I am a “layerer” of necklaces, rings and bracelets – (I wear 4 rings on my ring finger of my right hand and usually at least 3 necklaces at a time..)
Here are the steps I take to determine what to wear:
- I pick up whatever is catching my eye – or what I feel like will match my outfit.
- I hold it in the palm of my left hand.
- I stand with my legs shoulder width apart, knees “loose, not locked”
- I state: “It is in my highest and best good to wear this today”
- Result: My body will either naturally lean forward (meaning yes) or backward (meaning no). This is a simple energy test – and it works wonders with everything from foods to vitamins.
Sometimes my favorite pieces will get a strong “no” – so I use the Jewelry Purification Mist to clear the energy in it!
Easy Peasy!
Your Are Loved ~