When I started my spiritual journey, I didn’t associate “intuition” with “spirituality”. I knew I was intuitive, but I drank a lot, cursed a lot, and ate a lot of crap. Meditation was never a consideration and I liked “things” – like designer bags, diamond rings, and expensive perfumes.
I associated spirituality with those ever-smiling patient people dressed in Walmart-white, living off of sunshine and plants, with sculpted yoga bodies, who meditating for hours at a time, and humbly shared their wisdom to help save humanity.
And I was not THAT person.
My journey included the elimination of certain foods, television, newspapers and watches. Eventually, I started my practice of meditation, got over my designer fixation, learned several healing modalities, read tons of books, studied with mentors and worked with many healers. And my intuition skyrocketed. But, no matter what I did, I’d get down on myself when I was not in a perpetual state of “high frequency” – getting frustrated with myself for indulging in gossip, or not a being flexible yogi, or skipping a day in meditation, or drinking a martini.
In fact, intuitive or not, sometimes I felt like a fraud.
Feel familiar?
We’ve all heard the quote: “We’re not human beings having a spiritual experience…we are spiritual beings having a human experience”
But one day, this meant more than just words to me.
Eventually, I came to understand that every idea I had and every action I took – whether it is adopting a homeless pet or cursing out a customer service rep after being on hold for 30 minutes – was spiritual.
We choose to awaken to our power and purpose and discover how we can be of service,
… continue to be the actor in the role we play in this epic story called “Life” – without ever feeling the need to awaken.
The thing is, whatever you choose does not make you (or anyone else, for that matter) any less spiritual. We are all spiritual beings. We are never excommunicated from Spirt.
It is nice, however, to align your intuition with your spirituality and have the support of a likeminded community who can add to your journey, so that we don’t feel alone.
Now – I’m still a yoga novice….can barely touch my toes. I gave up designer “things” and still enjoy red wine.
I still say fuck.
A lot.
And I choose to be a Peaceful Spiritual Power, mentoring those who desire a deeper relationship with their intuition and the powerful spirit within them, and yes, those who want to support humanity, even if it is within the confines of their family or workplace.
Lumin8 Charlotte, featuring bestselling author and Keynote Debra Katz will be filled with “us” who dare to step out of the shadows and into the light…to learn together, and share our experiences with each other. (This event is FREE for my Sacred Journey Mastery Students.)
We can have fun doing this, while supporting Wind River Wellness – a nonprofit cancer retreat center (a portion of the profits from Lumin8 Charlotte will be donated to Wind River Wellness).
Give. Get. Grow.